Saturday, 14 January 2012

Two Weeks Into January.

It's almost half way through January and I've only just realised I've made no NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS! So I had a good, hard, long about who I want to be at the end of 2012 and the habits I want to get shot of. So, here's what I came up with:

1. The obvious; QUIT SMOKING.
2. Get back down to a size 8. 
3. I want to be more positive.
4. Take more care in my appearance, first impressions really count.
5. Make this blog amazing! 
6. Be more creative. 
7. Be more spontaneous.
8. Be nicer to the people I care about. 
9. Be ruder to the people I don't. (Thanks Emily) 
10. FINALLY find a hairstyle/colour I'm going to stick with for longer than a month.

I'll keep you updated on how they go.


  1. Good Luck with all of that! hope you can make all of you resolutions. Its a New Year, a New Start.

  2. You'll do just fine! Except maybe the smoking...
